Friday, 28 December 2012

Friday Funny - Festive Indulgence

Overindulged during the festive season?  I may have just the thing.........

Cholic, Bowel Complaints &c

The great reputation which DR. SOLOMAN’s celebrated CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD has acquired as a medical restorative, renders it unquestionably of the utmost importance to the afflicted, but especially to those who labour under the painful, and too often fatal, effects arising from complaints of the stomach and bowels, cholic, flatulence or indigestion.  In short, it is the constant resort of invalids of both sexes suffering under these painful and debilitating complaints; and from its increasing reputation and success, it is highly recommended to all such as are similarly affected.  Ladies of a cold acrid or bilious habit of body, affected with languor, head-ache, or hysterical affections, or gentlemen from the East or West Indies, the student from public seminaries, or those whose occupations require a sedentary life, cannot have recourse to a more salutary remedy.  One of its remarkable properties is, that while it removes imperceptively the causes of disease, it enlivens the drooping spirits, and invigorates both the mind and body; and if taken after fatigue, gives relief from every unpleasant sensation.

Caution. – As many imitations of Dr. Solomon’s Cordial Balm of Gilead are on sale, the public will be sure to ask for that medicine as “DOCTOR SOLOMON’s” as no other “Cordial balm” is genuine or connected therewith.
Sold at the CHRONICLE OFFICE, Leicester, and by all medicine venders, in bottles at 11s. and 33s. each.
The £5 cases may be had at Gilead House, as heretofore, to enable patients to persevere at the most reasonable expense.
DR. SOLOMAN’s GUIDE TO HEALTH, price 3s., may be consulted as the silent friend in all cases of debility, loss of appetite, consumption, &c., with assured confidence of success.

The Leicester Chronicle: or, Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (Leicester, England), Saturday, December 24, 1842; pg. [1]; Issue 1673