Friday, 28 November 2014

Friday Faces - Who Do You Think They Are?

I inherited a box of photographs following my grandparent's death and have since spent a good while trying to identify and sort them all.  I've been relatively successful at this - apart from the two people in the pictures below.

I think it is the same man in both photos, the one on the right being an earlier photo than the wedding one, because he has gained some stripes.

I'm almost sure they aren't immediate family so they may be friends of my grandparents or possibly more distant relatives.

The wedding photo is lovely; the bride looks wonderfully elegant in her 1940s dress and large floppy hat - I would love to find out who they are.

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Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Wedding Wednesday - George Percival & Sarah Annett

I recently received a copy of my 3xGreatGrandparents' marriage certificate. George Percival and Sarah Annett were married on the 14th December 1841 in Manchester.

It has helped me confirm that Sarah's surname was definitely Annett. I'd found her in the 1841 census, but wasn't sure whether her surname was Hannett or Annett.

The certificate has also helped me go back another generation with this family, that George's father was also called George and that they were both carters.  Sarah's father was James. His occupation is difficult to read but I am almost sure he was a fustian cutter. Fustian was a coarse cloth made from flax and cotton and a cutter would have cut the loops in the threads as the fabric was stretched.

Picture Credit:

My next steps with this side of my family would be to find the two fathers in the census which could provide details of their wives and then to look for parish records of their marriage.  I'll also have a look at online street maps to give me an idea of the area they lived in and possibly the name of the church on the marriage cert as I've been unable to decipher it.

Update:  After posting my query on Roots Chat it looks like the marriage took place at the Collegiate, the original parish Church of Manchester, now the Cathedral.