Wednesday 11 April 2012

Feeling a bit off colour? Then read on....

I spent a few hours at the local studies library in Nottingham yesterday, looking through their old newspapers on microfilm.  I was looking for family obituaries, but I kept being distracted by the brilliant adverts., like this one from the Nottingham Evening News of October 1899:

Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People

Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured paralysis, locomotor ataxy, rheumatism and sciatica: also all diseases arising from impoverishment of the blood, scrofula, rickets, chronic erysipelas, consumption of the bowels and lungs, anaemia, pale and sallow complexion, general muscular weakness, loss of appetite, palpitations, pain in the back, nervous headache and neuralgia, early decay, all ladies' weaknesses and hysteria. These Pills are a tonic not a purgative.
Sold by all chemists and by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Holborn Viaduct, London E.C. Ask for Dr. Williams.

I wonder why it's not available on prescription, it sounds amazing!


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